not a secured site

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited August 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
I see that your site is not secure. I do not see the padalock at the top of the screen .Or do you have information that it is?


  • The site does not need to be secure, as it is not transmitting any personal information. The registration to login and play games only creates a username and password for the site, which is not linked in any way to any personal details (at least, I didn't enter any when I signed up).
    I see that your site is not secure. I do not see the padalock at the top of the screen .Or do you have information that it is?
    No, we don't have a secure site. It's funny, just yesterday Jim and I were considering getting the certificates necessary to make a secure site, but in the end it was very expensive and, as tas1 points out, there's not much info to protect.

    Though I would suggest using a password that you don't use anywhere else.

    We may consider going to SSL in the future. Not so much to protect your personal info (just a name and password at this point) but so that you can play at work and not worry about "" showing up in your boss's network traffic reports. :-)


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