HINT on free cell game

Game: freecell

Game #: 1129212336

What would you like to see?  

A "hint" button


    edited February 2015

    This is a frequent request, but we're not sold on it. What would it do? Suggest a move that's possible? That's fairly easy.

    Or should it only suggest moves that will get you toward winning? If that's the case, then we'd need to write auto-solvers for every game with a hint button. And if you just keep getting hints and solving the game it wouldn't seem fair to rate your game above other players that didn't use a hint. That could be remedied by not letting games where hints were used to be in the high score table, or by giving a time penalty (+1 minute) for each hint used.

    Anyway it's more complicated than it initially seems. It's a lot of work that we'd rather channel into other areas right now.


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