How does the scoring work on "Hopeless"?

I am interested in knowing how the scoring works for the game "hopeless"  I have no idea how people are scoring in the 20,000 arena.


  • If you notice high score 'today' and 'this week' it is the same game number at the top of board so, memorise one high scoring game and just keep repeating each day to get to top of board.

    edited February 2015

    The score is based on how many blocks you remove at once:
    [math]i = cn^2[/math]
    Where \(i\) is the score increase \(n\) is the number of blocks removed and \(c\) is the number of colors in the game.

    This is biased toward level 3 (3 color blocks). We know this isn't really optimal, but we've never spent the time required to figure out a more fair scoring formula. If anyone has ideas, we're open to suggestions.


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