request re settings on Green Felt Free Cell

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2015 in Feature Requests
I noticed yesterday - and wrote to you, with no reply - that the "Replay" and "Redo" buttons appear to be permanently ON. They create havoc. I can make a couple of moves and all of a sudden many cards on the game board start flying here, there and everywhere.

I have no recollection of putting the buttons "ON" but I would like them turned "OFF". How do I do this?

Thank you.



    I noticed yesterday - and wrote to you, with no reply - that the "Replay" and "Redo" buttons appear to be permanently ON. They create havoc. I can make a couple of moves and all of a sudden many cards on the game board start flying here, there and everywhere.

    I have no recollection of putting the buttons "ON" but I would like them turned "OFF". How do I do this?

    The buttons are not "on" or "off", but rather "enabled"/"disabled"—neither button does anything until you actually click on it.

    What I suspect is happening is that you are accidentally clicking the right mouse button. Right click is the same as clicking the "undo" button. We do this for speed/convenience, but it does require a bit more careful clicks. If you click in an empty part of the board, that is the same as clicking "auto-finish", which tries to move as many cards as possible to the foundations.


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