scores not showing

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited August 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
yesterday & today (8/1/07) the high scores are not posted after you finish a game :?


  • Agreed. Error 500 usually appears, although I did get a 12000 a couple of times yesterday too - although the error message was still the same!
    jesusfreak wrote:
    yesterday & today (8/1/07) the high scores are not posted after you finish a game :?
    Sorry! We've been having trouble with our database as of late: ... r-with-us/

    We should have it fixed (at least temporarily) real soon now.

  • Thanks for fixing that. However, it now appears that the login script has failed, as when you enter your username and password the screen shows your username up the corner as usual for a second or so, but then it reverts back to the 2 boxes with a message saying 'session expired'. it was doing this both at work and now at home too - work is IE6, home is Firefox.
  • tas1 wrote:
    Thanks for fixing that. However, it now appears that the login script has failed, as when you enter your username and password the screen shows your username up the corner as usual for a second or so, but then it reverts back to the 2 boxes with a message saying 'session expired'. it was doing this both at work and now at home too - work is IE6, home is Firefox.

    i'm getting this too, on both Opera and Safari.
  • Gestern & heute (01.08.07) werden die Highscores nicht nach dem Spiel gepostet:?

  • Gestern & heute (01.08.07) werden die Highscores nicht nach dem Spiel gepostet:?

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