Accidental hitting of new game button

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2015 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike
Game #: 1931972156

1. Need a return to previous game option. I play on my phone and OFTEN hit "New Game" when I just mean to flip the next card in the pile.
2. Also a visible-while-you're-playing, number of moves AND
3. time so far /against best time so far.


    GvdB wrote:
    1. Need a return to previous game option. I play on my phone and OFTEN hit "New Game" when I just mean to flip the next card in the pile.
    You can hit "undo" when this happens and get back where you were. The downside is that it considered the game ended when you accidentally pressed "New Game" and so the score won't submit a second time.
    GvdB wrote:
    2. Also a visible-while-you're-playing, number of moves AND
    3. time so far /against best time so far.
    We've tried that and found that the constantly increasing time became very distracting. We purposefully don't display that. Maybe one day we'll make it some sort of user option, not not in the immediate future.


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