
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2015 in Bug Reports
Wow, what is going on with this site. It is sooooo slow. I have been having problems for two weeks now. Whenever I visit this site it takes a long time to load, then when I click on a game, it takes even longer. The card size has changed on a few games and no matter how many times I change it, it goes back to the weird size the next time I try to play. I am not having any problems with my computer or any other websites. Please tell me if it is the site or something I am doing to cause this.


    Wow, what is going on with this site. It is sooooo slow. I have been having problems for two weeks now. Whenever I visit this site it takes a long time to load, then when I click on a game, it takes even longer. The card size has changed on a few games and no matter how many times I change it, it goes back to the weird size the next time I try to play. I am not having any problems with my computer or any other websites. Please tell me if it is the site or something I am doing to cause this.
    We upgraded the OS on our server and we started having network issues. The cards sometime pause for a really long time when loading. We're not sure which part of the network stack the problem is coming from, but we're trying to fix it.

    The card size change was trying to pick card sizes such that the games never need to scroll. In the end we're not sure we like the change either, and we might try to prevent the need for scrolling in a different way.

    You card size choice should definitely stay across page visits, though. We store the size in a cookie, so if you clear cookies, or prevent them in some way then it probably won't work.

  • I'm having all the same problems. Card size seems to have come right. Scores are VERY slow in showing. The cursor has become the 4-pointed arrow square rather than the arrow when playing cards. Cards sometimes 'stick' to the cursor on a click.
    But for all that...great collection of games! Thanks.
    Bryan in NZ

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