results still not showing

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited July 2007 in Feature Requests
My results only show up randomly on the leader board no matter how I play canfield. I play one game after the other of game of the day and when I complete the game more than once none of the results show Why? I am ready to quit Green Felt and I really like the games


  • My results only show up randomly on the leader board no matter how I play canfield.

    That's odd. Is the leader board slow when this happens?

    Do you play other games? If so does your score show up there more reliably?

    Sometimes it can take a while to submit the score. It will continue to try submitting your score as long as you leave that same page up. If you go to a new page before the score gets submitted, your score will be lost. One thing you might try is to keep checking by hitting "high score" on the Canfield page (possibly, while you play a new game) until your score does show up. Or you might just consider leaving the page open and play in a new tab/window.

    Today I saw only one score submitted from you and no failures to submit (not that we would have a record of all failures since there are many ways to fail before getting to us in the first place).
    I play one game after the other of game of the day and when I complete the game more than once none of the results show Why?

    Your score should show up if you get a better score than the first time you played and if you are in the top 10.
    I am ready to quit Green Felt and I really like the games

    I'd hate to see you quit for this reason. Let us know if waiting doesn't help. Maybe we can make the highscore queue more visible and/or warn if you close the page without being able to submit them.

  • I pretty much play canfield only. I do not jump around to different games. I keep the page open. Sometime I look at the leader board right away, not always. I realize there are many people playing and it may be slow. And yes the leader board does come up slowly.

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