get rid of Xmas decks-hard to play & offensive to others

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited December 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike
Game #: 342953288
get rid of Xmas decks-hard to play & offensive to non Christians


  • You can click the "Normal Cards" botton and get the regular ones. Oh yeah, Merry Christmas!
    fayeran wrote:
    …offensive to non Christians
    I would hope that people aren't offended by others celebrating their own holidays. At any rate, we provide an easy way to turn off the cards if you don't like them for whatever reason (as LadyJ825 pointed out).

    Our holiday card sets are fairly Amero-centric right now. This is because Jim and I live in the US and the bulk of our users do, too. We put in holidays that we know and celebrate. For what it's worth, we're happy to make Chanukah cards or Ramadan cards or anything else if someone wants it and can suggest how to do so in an respectful/inoffensive way.

    Somewhat related: The top 5 countries of our users are the US, Canada, the U.K., Italy, and Australia. We'd love it if someone from the last 3 could tell us what your national holidays are (something equivalent to US Independence Day) and we'll make up some fancy flag-colored cards for that day.


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