version of klondike

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited July 2007 in Feature Requests
Is there a version available on Green Felt of Klondike where you flip three cards from the stack instead of one ?

Could you show percentage of games succesfully played per user on total of cames started ? And maybe rank users in order of this percentage ?




    DDJ wrote:
    Is there a version available on Green Felt of Klondike where you flip three cards from the stack instead of one ?
    No, not really. The trouble with having different options is that it would be unfair to score someone using the "flip 3" rule directly against someone using the "flip 1" rule. So they *should* be separate but then that would clutter up the leader board if every variation of every game were to be there.

    That said, we'd like to have game variations in somehow, we just haven't thought of the best way to do it yet.
    DDJ wrote:
    Could you show percentage of games succesfully played per user on total of cames started ? And maybe rank users in order of this percentage ?
    Yeah, I'd really like some better statistics. I have done some preliminary work on this type of thing, but it's not in a state that is good enough to put up on the site yet.


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