
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
Your sould be able to take the last discard and the new card to make 13.


    Dennis wrote:
    Your sould be able to take the last discard and the new card to make 13.
    Fixed. Pyramid now will let you match with the top of the discard pile.

  • david wrote:
    Dennis wrote:
    Your sould be able to take the last discard and the new card to make 13.
    Fixed. Pyramid now will let you match with the top of the discard pile.


    Thanks for changing this. The only problem now is that there is no option to NOT pair a card on the discard pile with one that you are moving off the deal stack. This means that if you deal a third card which allows you to remove a card from the playing area, you can't then use the card which was dealt prior to that one as it has been removed automatically.

    I hope that this makes some sort of sense!

  • *bump*

    I agree: having the cards automatically pair up on the discard pile quite often means that you then can't use them to get rid of a card from the main playing area, which you would have been able to if the cards on the discard pile hadn't paired.

    Would it be possible to have some system where, for example, if you left-click and drag the top card from the deal pile onto the discard pile it doesn't pair up, but if you right-click and drag it does?

    tas1 wrote:
    Would it be possible to have some system where, for example, if you left-click and drag the top card from the deal pile onto the discard pile it doesn't pair up, but if you right-click and drag it does?
    My current thinking on this is that it dragging from the deal to the discard pile should make the card just sit in the discard pile, but that dragging from the discard to the deal pile should pair them up and put them in the waste pile. I think I'd also make it so you don't drag from the pyramid to the discard pile just to make it a little more consistent, but I'm not completely sold on that--I'd have to try it first.


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