How to rank players

rkingrking REGISTERED
edited May 2007 in Feature Requests

You were wondering how to rank players in such a way as to not bias which games are being played (such as the easy games). My opinion is to rank the players by percentile, and then "market forces" will stablize the scoring over time.

When ranking by percentile, you can choose any desired weighting for score and time for each game. If people play the easier games, that will not necessarily get them ranked higher, because the times for that game will almost all be high and times short. The percentile method is a relative intra-game ranking, so that although the metric is unbiased, practically it may benefit people to play harder or little-played games. As game scores/times change, a person's percentile from previously played instances changes automatically.

While the scoring formula ranks people for instances of a game, percentiles could rank players within a game (all instances), or across games.

If the ranking software portrays the components making up a player's percentile, others could choose to try the same games, thus stabilizing any effect of a player attempting to bias the rankings.

There are some challenges with the technique but I think
it holds promise.

Thank you,



    rking wrote:
    There are some challenges with the technique but I think
    it holds promise.
    Thanks for your thoughtful post.

    Yes, we agree. Something along those lines has been on our to-do list for a long time now. I can't promise when, but some day it will happen...


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