Listbox of cardback sizes -- interesting sequence of sizes..

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
Hi, I just cannot help pointing out the the size list is not in order from biggest - would be a little more convenient if it were. --thanks :roll:


  • Hi, I just cannot help pointing out the the size list is not in order from biggest - would be a little more convenient if it were. --thanks :roll:

    Fixed, though I made it smallest to largest instead. I even switched tiny and small so that the sizes match the words[1].

    Thanks for taking the time to point this out. It had slipped my mind.

    It's actually on my list to auto-detect the appropriate size based on your screen size, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.


    [1] Anyone who had small or tiny selected will need to switch to the other to keep their current size.

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