Pyramid scoring

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2014 in Feature Requests
Please can you tell me how pyramid earns/scores points? My scores are consistently around 2000 while the "high scores" are in the tens of thousands. Even when I have cleared all blocks I still only get a small score. Would really like to understand how to get 30000 instead of 2000 or 3000.
:roll: Delilah


  • Do you perhaps mean Hopeless???
  • sorry - yes!!!
  • With hopeless, you sort of have to look into the future. You need to see what is going to move when you take out particular blocks. Obviously the more you can get together of the same colour the higher your score. So if you are able to knock out a vertical row to push either side together and have more of one colour join into a bigger block, then that is good. Look at all the colours, sometimes the one you think there is more of is not the best option because you cant join them well, whereas a colour that seems less prominent can join together better, thus increasing the score. It really just takes practice and spend a little time looking first. Hope that helps.
  • Thank you for that. I had worked that much out. My question really is what gives the actual scores? ie do you get 1000s with bigger blocks? My problem is how to get the astronomical 30000+ thousands of the high scorers?
    I consistently get only 3-4 blocks left and sometimes clear them all. This doesn't seem to increase my score at all. My best figures are still only 2-3000.
    Would love to have an undo button on hopeless!
    Again, thank you for your reply.
    Cheers, delilah
  • Greenfelt guys can answer this better than me I expect. But it is definitely trying to get the biggest number of blocks joined together in the same colour. Again that all comes down to seeing into the future and figuring out how you can do that. This bit I am not a 100% sure - but I think it may also be based on how many blocks of one colour are available to begin with. For example, if there are 50 pink and 30 green. If you are able to join heaps of green you get more points just based on degree of difficulty. But certainly aim to join better than five small squares to get better point values. I have had occasions where I might have been able to join 10 or 15 together by juggling all the other colours into position so that my preferred colour comes together into a very large block.

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