Sizing of card letters, spacing between stacked cards

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2007 in Feature Requests
I think this is a great adaptation of Freecell for the Web "two point oh." However, i have two issues with your card design and layout:

1) The ordinals on the cards (2, 3, 4, J, Q, K) are too skinny and hard to read. Please make them wider, using a different font.

2) THe spacing between cards on a stack should be shorter. Not all of us have monitors that go up to 2560x1600 widescreen, some older people will want to have the big cards and also a lot of room to play.

Thanks for making a great game.

Wm. Kern


    1) The ordinals on the cards (2, 3, 4, J, Q, K) are too skinny and hard to read. Please make them wider, using a different font.
    Yes, I agree the fonts are too small for the smaller card sizes. It's tricky getting something that looks good and is readable at all sizes.
    2) THe spacing between cards on a stack should be shorter. Not all of us have monitors that go up to 2560x1600 widescreen, some older people will want to have the big cards and also a lot of room to play.
    The problem with stacking the cards closer together is that if they cover the card rank it makes the game difficult or impossible to play. I suspect if #1 were fixed #2 would sort itself out since smaller cards would be readable.


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