pyramid game over

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2007 in Bug Reports (Resolved)

I really like the pyramid rules now that they allow you to use the discard pile. However, currently the game ends when you turn over the last card from th stock, even if that card then allows you to use cards from the discard (eg an ace as last card frees a queen, exposing an 8 which can be paired with a 5 in the discard pile).

Today's game, for example, allows another 5 cards to be freed after the last card is played from the stock.

I'm not sure if the score is added, if you play those cards, but it's hard to play them with the popup in the way, either way.


    zarabee wrote:
    I really like the pyramid rules now that they allow you to use the discard pile. However, currently the game ends when you turn over the last card from th stock, even if that card then allows you to use cards from the discard (eg an ace as last card frees a queen, exposing an 8 which can be paired with a 5 in the discard pile).
    Yep, that's an oversight I made when modifying pyramid. I'll try to get it fixed.

    Ok. I fixed it and pushed the changes to the main site.

    I also found that it would end the game even if there was a playable king on the board and so I fixed that too.

  • david wrote:
    Ok. I fixed it and pushed the changes to the main site.

    I also found that it would end the game even if there was a playable king on the board and so I fixed that too.


    Thank you so much :)

    I love this site.

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