Ambience (?)

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited July 2014 in Feature Requests
Dear Green Felt,

How about having some music playing in the background ?
A bit of Beefheart, Beethoven, ABBA, Zappa ?
What d'ya say GF ?

Yours Sharply,


    While we love music, Jim and I both have an aversion to web pages that play music when you don't expect it. We prefer to focus on the card games and make them the best we can. It's also hard to pick something that everyone likes (and card games seem to have particularly wide demographics).

    I suggest opening a new tab, finding your favorite music there and then switching back to play some Green Felt. I've right now got iTunes playing The Sisters Of Mercy in the background—it helped me fix the holiday cards bug earlier this evening.

  • Best to have your own music playing, not everyone likes the same stuff and no doubt there would be a load of posts from players with issues about it.

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