not working right

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited June 2014 in Bug Reports

Ever since the other day when ads started to pop up, the game doesn't work right. If I click on a stack that should all move together, only the bottom card moves. And suppose there's a 7 of hearts and a 6 of hearts I'm trying to place on an 8 of diamonds. Unless there's another 7 on the board for the 6 to move to, it won't let me make that move.


    laura wrote:
    Ever since the other day when ads started to pop up, the game doesn't work right.
    Green Felt doesn't have any ads, which means the ads you are seeing are probably coming from some malware on your computer. Someone who is more familiar with Windows might suggest a good malware removal program; I don't know enough to recommend one.

  • I'd recommend Malwarebytes Anti Malware from or Spybot from

    Make sure you don't accidentally activate the free trial of the paid version though, because it will just end up asking for money :)

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