Freecell MOVES

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2014 in Feature Requests
Does anyone know what constitutes a MOVE in Freecell ?
If a players moves is less than 52 then I assume moving a card to its home (the 4 top right spaces) does not count as a move because the lowest score possible is 52.
Anyway I hope some one will let me know.



    ZER0 wrote:
    Does anyone know what constitutes a MOVE in Freecell ?
    If a players moves is less than 52 then I assume moving a card to its home (the 4 top right spaces) does not count as a move because the lowest score possible is 52.
    Anyway I hope some one will let me know.

    Moves counts in Freecell (all the games) are a bit complicated.

    These count as single moves:
    • A single card moving from any pile to any other pile counts as a single move.
    • A stack of cards moving from a tableau pile to any other tableau pile counts as a single move.
    • Dealing a card or cards from the deck (not applicable in Freecell, as there is no deck).
    The following are our super moves and all count as multiple moves:
    • A stack of cards moved to the free cells.
    • A stack of cards moved to the foundations.
    • A single card or stack of cards moved from somewhere down the pile, where the game does a bunch of automatic moves to clear away the cards blocking them.
    • A single card of stack of cards moved to somewhere down the pile, same as above.
    • A single card of stack of cards moved where a card or stack moves away and then moves back on top of the dragged card (we call those "subsequent moves").

    So, you're right, it shouldn't be possible to have your moves below 52.

    However! We recently (as in a couple days ago) discovered a bug that wasn't counting the last set of undoable moves in a game. Since most of the time the last moves are a flurry of "auto-finish" moves, there was a huge number of moves missing from many, many games. :-(

    There was a large code update pushed today that included a fix for that problem, so hopefully we'll see reasonable moves from here on out.


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