AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2014 in Bug Reports
Hi, Something is up with Freecell for a few days whereby you can only play one game. The second and subsequent don't work. The cards either move about randomly or the game auto-finishes.


    Guest wrote:
    Hi, Something is up with Freecell for a few days whereby you can only play one game. The second and subsequent don't work. The cards either move about randomly or the game auto-finishes.
    Yeah, we just found a bug that affected IE8. It should be fixed now. Thanks for letting us know.

  • can you arrange the results so that it ranks by fewest moves. I can't beat a computer.

  • Knock on wood, am an avid Free Celler , am not having any problems at this time, and I usually play 2 to 3 games at a time. Just wanted to inform everyone that , and wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day to all.

  • Results by fewest moves is under high scores. Options are MOVES or TIME selected by clicking on the word

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