Player Count

edited April 2014 in Feature Requests
When seeing the "Congratulations !, You beat the game " pop-up it would nice to know how many other players have played the game. The feature that shows my rank and score(s) when I click the leader board is also good, but so what if my rank on FreeCell is 34 or 141, where do I stand along the line of today's players.?
This number could be on the pop-up, or it might better be on the top strip. Your call.


    Eaeme wrote:
    When seeing the "Congratulations !, You beat the game " pop-up it would nice to know how many other players have played the game. The feature that shows my rank and score(s) when I click the leader board is also good, but so what if my rank on FreeCell is 34 or 141, where do I stand along the line of today's players.?
    This number could be on the pop-up, or it might better be on the top strip. Your call.
    That's an interesting idea. We'd have to decide what it means to "play" which we've mostly punted on so far. Right now we keep track of games even if the person didn't make a single move, which is probably misleading in this context. Should we just ignore zero move games? What about someone that moves a couple cards then moves on after 10 or 15 seconds? My personal opinion is that zero move games shouldn't count, but anything else should.

  • I appreciate the problem. I have often thought of starting a new game just to quit after no move to see how many others were there, but as you point out, it doesn't mean all of them have played. Your idea of just dropping the 'no move openings' sounds like a reasonable compromise. Another approach might be to present a graph of all of the scores going from highest to lowest with a pointer or line where the current player falls on the graph. The resolution would need not be very fine. The array could be scaled to fit in a standard size smallish box. It would show the current player about where he stood among every other player that opened the game, and be easy to disregard the early quitters and skips. Also, thanks for your interest.

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