rigged game

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: yukon
Game #: 3641266426

Unless I have suddenly become a Yukon solitaire genius, every game here is set up to be winnable. I don't see the point, or the challenge.


    jaycal wrote:
    Unless I have suddenly become a Yukon solitaire genius, every game here is set up to be winnable. I don't see the point, or the challenge.

    We don't specifically pick winnable games (yet!)—we shuffle the deck randomly every time. We would like to add a difficulty level in at some point, which would probably rate games by how many people have passed them, or how quickly they did it.

    I see two possibilities: The random generator has lucked into a bunch of easy games, or you really are a Yukon genius. Personally, I'm not able to pass Yukon every time.

    If Yukon is too easy for you, try Scorpion or Spider.

  • Jaycal, I have only been playing Yukon a short time and win about every 4 to 10 game. I agree with David you must be a genius player.

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