Want another version of klondike?

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited November 2006 in Feature Requests
It has a slightly diferent score system to yourself so technically doesnt clash with what you have :)

But it is in flash, mainly because this make it easy to embed in other peoples sites. Should be relatively easy to insert into your stuff if you want to, it just keeps squirting score/game data to a given server side script while people play.

I'm setting up exactly how the comms stuff works for embedding in another site right now, so when thats done it should be actually documented with examples and everything :)

The reason I want to get it working in other peoples sites is so if for some reason my site dies, the game itself can live on.

Anyhow, let me know if you want it.

http://WetDike.WetGenes.com is where it lives right now




    Anonymous wrote:
    It has a slightly diferent score system to yourself so technically doesnt clash with what you have :)

    Anyhow, let me know if you want it.

    Hi, I checked it out and it looks pretty nice. You clearly have lots of art talent (unlike us)! I like the way the cards are askew (we've considered doing that in the past too). In the end I don't think it would work to integrate it with our site. We try to make our games feel and look a certain way and your Klondike is a little to incongruous with the rest of our site. I do like it though.


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