
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited November 2006 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
I have used the site a lot recently without any problems. However, tonight I cannot log on because of "incorrect password". I have tried several times and I am using the same password I always have.



    Cramneck wrote:
    I have used the site a lot recently without any problems. However, tonight I cannot log on because of "incorrect password". I have tried several times and I am using the same password I always have.
    Crap. Our hosting provider ran out of disk space which triggered a bug in the code and wiped out your password. The only thing I can do is remove the account so you can create it again. That sounds worse than it is, the only thing that's gone is your password and some stats about when the first and last time you logged in. All the scores are still there.

    I've fixed it (I believe!) so that this won't happen in the future. It happened once before ( but apparently in my haste to get goodrobbhunting going again I didn't actually fix the root problem!

    Unfortunately the same thing seems to have happened to Judith and helpsie too.


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