AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited April 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: freecell
Game #: 1753688199

How can I disconnect automatic play. When a card is freed up after I intentionally play a card, the program will automatically play the freed up card and other cards that become freed up. I don't' like that. I want to play my own cards.

I also don't like when I win a game, an icon pops up saying "yeh!!" you won the game.



    HARRAYDIN wrote:
    How can I disconnect automatic play. When a card is freed up after I intentionally play a card, the program will automatically play the freed up card and other cards that become freed up. I don't' like that. I want to play my own cards.
    It shouldn't ever do auto-finish unless you initiate it (through the "Auto-Finish" button, hitting control-a or space, or through mouse only play).

    Most likely you are running afoul of our "mouse only play" feature. If you click on something that isn't a card (like the green felt background) then it will initiate the auto-finish code.

    If you aren't initiating it through a click on the felt or by pressing space and it is still happening then that is bug.
    I also don't like when I win a game, an icon pops up saying "yeh!!" you won the game.
    Well, the purpose of that is to show the high score table and how your score compares. We are unlikely to change that.


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