AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike
Game #: 85716518
Please remove me as a user. Since I set up my Username, I have NOT enjoyed your game. I hate the cards that are "invisible". Not sure why that happened. I really liked your Solitaire Game until now. It is not fun now. Between the translucent cards and the seems like level of difficulty, I just don't enjoy it anymore. I want to be "anonymous" again. I just want to have fun with it in my free time. Thank you for your help.


  • So if you don't enjoy, don't play. No need to be rude about it.
  • The easy answer is just don't log in
    To add to what Jabba said, the logout button is in the very top right of the game screen. Click that and you will be back to anonymous.

    To address the other complaints: the "see through cards" issue is (as best we can tell) not affected by whether you are logged in or not. It's caused by (again, as best we can tell) a bug in certain browsers. If you see some see through cards, pause the game (which should turn all cards invisible), then unpause the game. That should attempt to make them all visible again.

    If that doesn't work, please let us know.

  • See through's seem to happen most often when I replay a game a few times. Best fix I have found is just to go back to leader board or greenfelt home then back to game and all will be restored

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