this game will not allow me to register as I always did.

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2014 in Bug Reports
Game: freecell
Game #: 1692686243
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.74.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.1.2 Safari/537.74.9

Please describe the problem in detail:
I have been playing FreeCell for over a month.
I reported "bug report" several times about the cards all being manipulated and thrown
back into the game after I had played them….therefore reducing my speed because I had
to keep putting back the same cards I had already put up.
Now I tried to Login to the game and it won't allow me to sign in. I can
play as "anonymous" but can no longer play with a Login in as "ShirleyO".

Who is doing this? Is this because I am going to "first place" too often for someone?
Who has that power in this game as to PREVENT ME FROM LOGING INTO THE GAME?




  • I have been having the same problem for weeks now and asked for help twice. I have received no response and no resolution. All I am able to do is to log in with a new name unless I choose to play anonymously and then it looks like I cheated with my new user names changing all the time. This happens with all of the games I try and it is frustrating.
    ShirleyO: There is no conspiracy against you. Jim responded to your first question here (short summary: right click is undo). Your second question was exactly the same so we didn't answer it again. Though we did notice that you accused the site of fraud in that one–thanks, we really appreciated that.

    Our server logs show that you successfully logged in today, so I don't know what the problem might be. What exactly happens when you say the game is preventing you from logging in? Do you get an error message? Does it look like it logs you in, then kicks you out later?

    Guest: What is your username that you can't log in with?

    Also, please list the other names you have been using and we'll see if we can't straighten it out.

    I'm sorry we haven't responded to your other reports. We try to respond to as many bug reports as possible. Sometimes we skip some if they look like duplicates (and we think we've answered almost the same question in another post). Sometimes we don't answer reports when we have no idea what to say. Since you are complaining about logins, please keep in mind that capitalization matters for both the username and password (it's on the list to fix that--but it's not quite as simple as you'd think).


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