Not a problem with the game

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2014 in Bug Reports
Game: klondike3
Game #: 1181288657
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0

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Dear Felt Folks

This three draw Klondike game works very well, and I find it has enhanced my experience playing very much. Thank you.

You score in a way that celebrates not speed but finding a solution to the game. You use the phrase
You beat the game.
I prefer to say I solved the game. In that we can undo our moves, we can use our cognitive abilities to see new patterns in what appears to be a random system. That's a great exercise for the aging brain and other brains as well. It also teaches that the best move may work on its face, but it may prove to end in a lack of solution.

The time machine of undo allows us to relive the game from a new perspective if we can open ourselves to that perspective. The best immediate move may prove the wrong move over time. That's quite a shift in perspective. It opens the mind and even escapes the thinking outside the box tired if not dead metaphor.

Thank you again for your game. I hope you didn't mind a small journey in the twilight zone of reflections on solitaire.

That's a very civilized confirmation of post you place here.

Peace and being,

Laurence Robert Cohen

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