won't allow user name

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Bug Reports
I am registered as sleeptech, but aka Jabba. On occasion I have wanted to remain somewhat anonymous when replying to bug/discussion topics. I have tried to use my original username of sleeptech and when I try to submit, I get a window saying username is already in use. I can still use sleeptech to play games, just not post topics. Just in case you want to check my footprint, I will play a couple of games under sleeptech so you can do your thing. P.S. - I did try to send this first under the sleeptech name.


    jabba wrote:
    I am registered as sleeptech, but aka Jabba. On occasion I have wanted to remain somewhat anonymous when replying to bug/discussion topics. I have tried to use my original username of sleeptech and when I try to submit, I get a window saying username is already in use. I can still use sleeptech to play games, just not post topics. Just in case you want to check my footprint, I will play a couple of games under sleeptech so you can do your thing. P.S. - I did try to send this first under the sleeptech name.

    Unfortunately, our forum software is completely separate from the main Green Felt games software. It's separate because we didn't want to write it, so we just used someone else's free forum. We've looked at integrating the login part with the main Green Felt stuff but it's not really built for that, sadly. I looked into another free forum that would be easier to modify, but I never finished it.

    Anyway, the issue is that the forum users and the games users are separate and redundant. This is confusing, and we apologize!

    It's also more confusing because we let people post to the forum without logging in, but they are allowed to choose their name. It looks like the forum will reject those "write in names" if they conflict with an actual registered user's name. So I'm guessing at one point you set up a user in the forum with the name "sleeptech". I won't publish the full email of the person with that user name, but it does include "sam" and "yahoo.com". Is that you?

    If so, you can log in with that name and then post, or I can delete it for you and then you (or, given the nature of the write-in username, anyone else) can post with the sleeptech name without logging in.

    I'm not sure I explained all that very well. If you have any questions, just ask.


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