scorpion solitare

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: scorpion
Game #: 1524057480

I am new to this game and would appreciate some advice regarding strategy. It would also be nice if there was an 'introductory/easy' version. Looks interesting!


    winker2000 wrote:
    Game: scorpion
    Game #: 1524057480

    I am new to this game and would appreciate some advice regarding strategy.
    With Scorpion, I find that the thing you have to watch out for is which order to do things in. You might have 4 valid moves but one of those might make another move impossible:

    Say you have these two piles:
    6H 7C
    8D 9D
    8C 7H

    You can move the 6H to 7H or you can move the 7C to the 8C, but you can't do both. So you have to remember those "decision points" and if you get stuck soon after, undo back to them and try the other way.

    Also, It's very important to get the face down cards face up so you know what you are dealing with.

    Another tactic is to try dealing the last 3 cards down at different times of the game. Sometimes they'll block you if you do them too early or too late.
    It would also be nice if there was an 'introductory/easy' version. Looks interesting!
    Yes, that would be nice :-). We also want that (for all the games) but haven't decided what it would look like.


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