clicking of cards

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: spider2
Game #: 1776612480

yep, the clicking is very annoying as I've mentioned previously as you have to click several times before finding the right spot and THEN the cards jump all over the place where you don't want them to.
You should have a spot on the front page (playing screen) where we can click on to open up answers you may have for us. :wink:


    lhw wrote:
    for some reason over the past week, the clicking on the cards has changed. It is now more difficult as the area on which you have to click to make the cards move is more difficult. Even picking them up to drag is more difficult. It was much easier before; like a week or so ago and prior to that.

    I've checked to see what's different and nothing has been changed since the 14th. And that change had to do with the high score boxes that pop up. The last change to the file that's responsible for clicking is on the 10th, and that change was in a part of the file that had to do with card backs and not clicking. So I'm not sure what could have changed on our end that would be causing what you are seeing.

    It looks like you use Chrome, which is a nice modern browser that we generally don't have issues with.
    lhw wrote:
    yep, the clicking is very annoying as I've mentioned previously as you have to click several times before finding the right spot and THEN the cards jump all over the place where you don't want them to.
    The "jumping around" problem could be related to errant clicking. We have what we call "Mouse Only Play" which activates undo when you click the right mouse button and "Auto-finish" when you click in an empty spot on the tableau. That's been there for months though, so it shouldn't account for a sudden change.
    lhw wrote:
    You should have a spot on the front page (playing screen) where we can click on to open up answers you may have for us. :wink:
    Agreed. Sadly the forum is completely different software than the main game and it's kind of hard to integrate them. We've looked into another forum that would allow us some tighter integration (having usernames go across the 2 systems, for example), but that isn't done yet.


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