Number of cards deck deals.

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
♥ Game: fortythieves
Game #: 1897167657

Why does deck move two cards at once when I need to click on the deck?


    Guest wrote:
    Why does deck move two cards at once when I need to click on the deck?
    It isn't supposed to.

    I don't what kind of browser of computer you are using, but it probably either means your mouse button is dirty and is clicking twice, your finger is twitchy and clicking twice, there's a bug in the browser/operating system causing the Green Felt software to see multiple clicks, or there's a bug in the Green Felt software itself that is triggering a click twice for one real click.

    Now, I'm the first to admit that most weird things are probably software problems and most likely our fault, but this one is sufficiently rare that it makes me think it's mostly likely somewhere other than the Green Felt code.


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