Moving Stacks

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 973599629

I used to play a version of this game where 'stacks" of like suited cards (4,5,6 of hearts) could be moved onto a 7 of hearts. This increased the enjoyment of the game because the frequency of winning was greater but it was still not a soda.
Could we have something of this nature (even if labelled for beginners)


    XXXX wrote:
    Game: fortythieves
    Game #: 973599629

    I used to play a version of this game where 'stacks" of like suited cards (4,5,6 of hearts) could be moved onto a 7 of hearts. This increased the enjoyment of the game because the frequency of winning was greater but it was still not a soda.
    Could we have something of this nature (even if labelled for beginners)

    So, reading my collection of Solitaire books (and Wikipedia's Forty Thieves page) I see a couple variants that sound close to what you want:
    In Rank and File, in the deal, the bottom three cards of each of the ten columns are faced down and the top card of each is the only one exposed. Building is down alternating colour and sequences can be moved in part and in whole.

    "In Number Ten, ten columns of four cards are formed with the top two cards of each pile faced up and the bottom two faced down. Furthermore, building is down by alternating colour and a sequence can be moved as a unit in part or in whole.

    My first instinct it stick with an established variant like that, but Jim and I were recently discussing having some custom Green Felt variations/games.

    I'm leaning towards "Number Ten", but I might implement both and we can see which one plays better.


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