
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited May 2006 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
Thanks for making these games available. Pyramid is a little funny though. If you miss a match & click on the stock pile, it automatically takes the matching card. Also, no matter how many cards I get it tells me I beat the game & gives me a score of not much challenge as it plays the game for you & you win every time. Again, thanks for the time you take to do this.


    klick wrote:
    Thanks for making these games available. Pyramid is a little funny though. If you miss a match & click on the stock pile, it automatically takes the matching card.
    Yeah, for a complicated reason that's like double clicking the card which, as in all the card games, moves the card to the best spot and, in pyramid, results in a discard. The fact that it acted like it double clicked when you did not double click is a bug. I'll fix that at some point.
    klick wrote:
    Also, no matter how many cards I get it tells me I beat the game & gives me a score of not much challenge as it plays the game for you & you win every time.
    Doh! You're right. I've been playing the pyramid game of the day for weeks and I never noticed that. I feel very unobservant! :-) I've fixed it and will push it to the main page soon. I'll also rescore the old games so the Leader Board reflects the correct scores.

    As for it telling you that you "beat the game", both Pyramid and Golf currently do not differentiate between the game being over and there being a "win". That's on our list of things to fix. Probably sooner rather than later, now that we have a bug report. ;-)
    klick wrote:
    Again, thanks for the time you take to do this.
    Thank you for the bug report. We love to hear from anyone playing our games!

    As for it telling you that you "beat the game", both Pyramid and Golf currently do not differentiate between the game being over and there being a "win". That's on our list of things to fix. Probably sooner rather than later, now that we have a bug report.
    We've now changed it so that it knows whether you've "won" or just ran out of cards ("game over"). I just pushed it to the main page so you should see it work now.

    klick wrote:
    If you miss a match & click on the stock pile, it automatically takes the matching card.
    I believe we have fixed this problem now (if I understand it correctly). If you continue to see it happen, let us know.


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