klondike 3 +3......

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike3 + 3
Game #: 644383315

PLEASE put the new game radio button closer to the layout.....PLEASE make the regular deck the default (not pink and red, for instance...!) PLEASE use a standard size for the page - - - the font keeps changing sizes. I rebooted last night and now my layout of the game is totally different. And I don't like it. May force me to another software download of Klondike.......help!! :(



    PLEASE put the new game radio button closer to the layout...
    Isn't the new game button directly above the deck?

    Here's a screenshot from my browser to show you what we think it should look like:

    Also, we support pressing the "N" key for a new game. That may or may not be easier to press than the button, depending on your setup.
    PLEASE make the regular deck the default (not pink and red, for instance...!)
    Aw, you don't like our valentine's present? It was especially for you. :( You can always click "Normal Cards" to get back to the non-holiday themed cards. But it breaks our fragile hearts when you do. :P
    PLEASE use a standard size for the page - - - the font keeps changing sizes. I rebooted last night and now my layout of the game is totally different.
    Things shouldn't be shifting around like that on a regular basis, and we haven't pushed any new changes to the site for a couple days. Which leads me to believe it might be that your browser is zoomed in or out, causing things to look wrong. I don't know what browser you have, but on Windows it's usually "Control-0" (zero) to reset back to normal zoom level. On a Mac's it's usually "⌘-0" (zero again).


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