Calculation not on leader board.

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Is there some reason Calculation is not on the leader board? It looks like there are more than 10 players every time I have played, which I thought was the criterion. Anyway, I would appreciate seeing it there.


  • Yes please! I second that..... :D
    The criteria in the past isn't exactly that—it's more just relative popularity of the game compared to the other games. And it's mainly to keep the leader board as unwieldy as possible (not that we do a very good job of that :-)).

    We've made some updates to the leader board and we'll push it up when we think it's ready. We're trying to decide if it's worth it to make it configurable so that each person can show only the games they are interested in. Or whether it's more worthwhile to have the leader board be the same for everyone.

  • I think you hit on the key to keeping it from being unwieldy - I am only interested in a few games, so if I could limit the leader board to those, it would clean it up beautifully!


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