
AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Can you please remove the banner slapped across the deck of cards about the NSA? I have tried to x it out and it will not go away! Getting very annoyed with this. I just want to play my game please!

Also, can you please fix it so that when you have one space open, we are able to move a pair of cards to that space as other forty thieves games allow us to do.



    Rbmazur1 wrote:
    Can you please remove the banner slapped across the deck of cards about the NSA? I have tried to x it out and it will not go away! Getting very annoyed with this. I just want to play my game please!
    What browser are you using? The "x" should make the banner go away (and it does in all the ones I just tested), but if it isn't, I'll see what I can do to fix it.
    Rbmazur1 wrote:
    Also, can you please fix it so that when you have one space open, we are able to move a pair of cards to that space as other forty thieves games allow us to do.
    Hmmm. That doesn't look like a bug, by my reading of the rules. If other Forty Thieves games let you do that then I think they are wrong.

    You may move a pair of cards to an empty space, but only if you have more than one empty space. In Forty Thieves you can technically only move one card at a time, by a strict reading of the rules. Green Felt lets you move a stack (since moving single cards around is tedious) but only if moving that stack is equivalent to moving all the cards individually. So if the game won't let you move 2 cards down to the empty space, try moving them one at a time. If you can it then there's probably a bug there (or a new feature waiting to happen), but I suspect you will not be able to.


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