selecting "deck" pattern

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Bug Reports
WHY when you have all the choices of deck patterns on the screen is it necessary to remove the checks from ALL accept the pattern of your choice????????? It seems to be set up in reverse of the most logical way to get your choice!!!!!!!! If there is a better way, please EXPLAIN.... Thank you



    WHY when you have all the choices of deck patterns on the screen is it necessary to remove the checks from ALL accept the pattern of your choice?????????
    We do that because many people like more than one particular deck design. The game randomly chooses between all the deck designs that you like, and starts with them all because we don't have data yet on which designs people like or don't like.

    On the plus side, you should only have to do this once and it should remember forever.
    I don't understand this question.


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