card arrangement

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited February 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: klondike and any game. This is the only site I ever use. I play only this website every single day for hours. I'd like the card design to stay the same whenever I log in without having to change each and every other design. I also want to move the cards underneath, the face down cards, closer together (you will still see how many cards are face down) so I can see the stack to the bottom of the face up cards. So I'll know how to play. This is great fun, but it is also exasperating. I've only been playing a few months, and I've already noticed how you've changed things. I'm guessing this is in response to your member's requests. It would be really cool if possible, as registered members, to make it so we can design our own arrangement of cards. That's just so you don't have to change the site for everyone. I love this website!


    login name wrote:
    Game: klondike and any game. This is the only site I ever use. I play only this website every single day for hours.

    We're glad you like it.
    I'd like the card design to stay the same whenever I log in without having to change each and every other design.

    That should already be the case. Are you talking about the deck backs? The game is supposed to remember what you selected so when you come back everything is still the same. If that is not happening then it sounds like we have a bug.
    I also want to move the cards underneath, the face down cards, closer together (you will still see how many cards are face down) so I can see the stack to the bottom of the face up cards.

    We also want that! :-) We've been talking about that and also about ways to squish even the face up cards closer together (in some games, and only when it doesn't matter). So, this will happen eventually, when we get the exact mechanics of it nailed down.


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