deck patterns

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
Do not like not being able to select back card pattern as before. Now have to deselect every pattern except the one I prefer. Why the change?


  • I agree with you. I enjoy changing the patterns for variety.Especially for Holidays were awesome. I would also like to know why they changed it???????????????? We WANT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll:
    I'm sorry you don't like the new way. We wanted to make it more flexible, so that if someone liked two or three deck backs they could keep just those selected and the game would choose between them randomly. Or if they just really hated one of the deck backs they could just turn that one off.

    Yes, if you only like one of the deck backs then the first time you'll have to turn off all the backs you don't like. That didn't seem that big of a deal to us, so we're kind of caught off guard with the complaints.

    A question: Is the game remembering your settings? It is supposed to store the deck backs that you like in your browser so that when you go back to the site it's set the same way it was the last time you played. Is that working? If not, that is a bug and we'd like to hear about it.

    Also, if you selected a deck back in the old way (with the single pop-up in the control panel area), it should have only that one card selected in the new menu (and not all of them). If this did not happen, that is also a bug and we'd like to know.

    And just for our own sanity: with the old method of selecting the cards, did the game remember your deck back selection when you came back to the site?

    Honestly, we're trying to make the site nicer, not annoy everyone :-).


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