backs of cards

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: spider2
Game #: 804222611

Resore the feature that now seems to be missing that allowed you to change the look of the backs of cards (like coloured toes , Olympic rings etc)


    lhw wrote:
    Restore the feature that now seems to be missing that allowed you to change the look of the backs of cards (like coloured toes , Olympic rings etc)
    It's not gone, we just moved it. And made it better.

    It now lives in a menu at the top named "Backs". Instead of choosing between all of them or only one of them, you can now choose the ones you like (simply uncheck the ones you don't like). If you have more than one selected then it will choose between them randomly.

    Honestly we've been meaning to make this change for years. Jim finally took the initiative and got it done. I think it turned out really well. Yay, Jim!


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