Cards fading

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
Why do some of the cards sometimes fade out or get "see through" and how can you fix it


    Roundness wrote:
    Why do some of the cards sometimes fade out or get "see through" and how can you fix it

    One of two things:

    There's a known bug with certain browsers where our pause code will leave certain cards clear when unpausing the game. Clicking the pause button and then clicking the unpause button will usually fix that case.

    Or, we recently introduced a "card finder" feature where you can hit some keys on the keyboard and many of the cards will fade away letting you easily spot the cards you're looking for. Look at which cards are clear. Is it something like "all the spades" or "all the red cards"? If so, you're probably encountering this feature. It should only trigger if you press keys on the keyboard. If there are no keys pressed and it's still happening, we'd really like to know (we've never seen this happen on our computers).


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