Question and suggestion

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: fortythieves
Game #: 834620480
when you win a game and your name appears on the list, have the others completed that particular game or any game?

Also, the game is set quite far down the page so when your rows are long you cant see them. For that reason you raise the screen using the scroll at the side but then as the rows decrease in length the game automatically moves back down. Very irritating as you constantly have to reposition the game on the screen.



    Beannie wrote:
    Game: fortythieves
    Game #: 834620480
    when you win a game and your name appears on the list, have the others completed that particular game or any game?

    Just that particular game. Otherwise people who played the hard games would be at a disadvantage.
    Also, the game is set quite far down the page so when your rows are long you cant see them. For that reason you raise the screen using the scroll at the side but then as the rows decrease in length the game automatically moves back down. Very irritating as you constantly have to reposition the game on the screen.

    We agree. Jim and I have both started to clean up everything multiple times and then given up/gotten distracted. But it's a large annoyance for both of us, so it will be improved some day.


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