AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
we would like to have a version of Russian Solitare where you can use red on red or black on black without having to match suits in the play area. WE are unable to find this anywhere, which makes this game almost impossible to play.


    LEO-K wrote:
    we would like to have a version of Russian Solitare where you can use red on red or black on black without having to match suits in the play area. WE are unable to find this anywhere, which makes this game almost impossible to play.

    So normal Russian Solitaire looks like it's basically Yukon, but you can only play cards in suit order. You would like a variant where you can play red on red and black on black. Is this correct? Isn't that almost the same as current Yukon (black on red or red on black)? Does something about red on red make the game substantively different?


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