pyramid game query

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited January 2014 in Feature Requests
Game: pyramid
Game #: 1509772770
i am being soundly beaten in this game, trailing by 7 points or so each time i play; i think one,at least, of the opponents are robots in from Arcturus on the beryllium mining ships, as they seem to be able to finish games a lot quicker than i can :? :oops:

is it possible to offer a facility to show a next move perhaps, and that might help flatten the card table in my favour, ie tilt it so i can win once in a while? :roll:



    I am being soundly beaten in this game, trailing by 7 points or so each time i play; i think one,at least, of the opponents are robots in from Arcturus on the beryllium mining ships, as they seem to be able to finish games a lot quicker than i can :? :oops:

    As someone who plays pyramid a lot, you learn how to go faster by simply playing more. :-)
    is it possible to offer a facility to show a next move perhaps, and that might help flatten the card table in my favour, ie tilt it so i can win once in a while? :roll:

    Well, no, that wouldn't be fair to the other people on the high score table. :wink:

    You can, however, click "Replay" to try the same game over again to see if you can get a higher score. On the second time through you'll often get a faster game since you can kind of remember the cards you encountered in your first game.


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