numbers off in hopeless DoD

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited March 2006 in Bug Reports (Resolved)
Hi David,

I was checking out HOPELESS tonight while Jim is working, and I noticed something amiss in the degree of difficulty. The number of colors for is off 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6. 5 seems to be the only one that works. I guess Jim now figured out that it has something to do with being the game of the day. Anyhow, something is off.

Cool that more people are finding the site and playing. I'm a total beginner having played few card/other non board games growing up.

Take care,

Zuma :?


    Yes, you are right (but Jim was wrong about game of the day. :-)). Anyhow, I've fixed it...

    Thanks for the report,

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