Game: klondike
Game #: 708431832
Autofinish doesn't work, need a hints button to prompt you when your stuck.
Game #: 708431832
Autofinish doesn't work, need a hints button to prompt you when your stuck.
Autofinish is supposed to just do "obvious" moves, moving cards to the foundation to take care of that busywork for you. I've considered a button or something that shows you a valid move. But it would be fairly random and wouldn't necessarily point you in the direction of solving the game, so that seems a little pointless.
We've also considered some sort of indicator for when there are no valid moves left. Some games just end immediately, but on others it would make sense to let you know you've reached a "dead end". You'd want to see it, but if we made it like the "Paused" indicator then it would cover up part of the board and might be annoying. Anyway, if we work out how it should look then that feature might come eventually.