Maze Solitaire

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited November 2013 in Feature Requests
Sometimes when I'm playing Maze, I have problems finding the card that I want to go into a gap. Let's say, for example, there's a gap between a queen and the 10 that I want to fill with the 9, but I can't find it. It would be useful if, when I clicked on the empty space, the game somehow highlighted the cards that could go into that gap (in my example above, it would be the 9, and all the aces)

As well, it sometimes happens that I'm playing the lazy way, by clicking on a card to have it jump to where I want it, when a card will unexpectedly jump to another place (the aces are a good example of this, if I click one, it jumps to the first available spot next to a queen, then I click it again, and it sits next to its two. Any more clicking toggles it between these two places. Your animations are great, and all, but sometimes I want that ace in a different place!) so maybe if there are multiple places that a card can jump to when clicked, the available places highlight somehow and I can choose one for it to go to.

Just a couple of thoughts.

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