always put card onto a pile that won't have to be moved

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited October 2013 in Feature Requests
Game: freecell
Game #: 338612394

It seems to me that often when I click on a card, there is a choice of where it could go and usually the computer puts it on a pile where I'll have to move it again, as opposed to a pile where the King is already the bottom of the pile and I can build off it. Other versions of free cell have worked that way automatically and I forget that I need to drag it to where I want it.


    anonomous wrote:
    It seems to me that often when I click on a card, there is a choice of where it could go and usually the computer puts it on a pile where I'll have to move it again, as opposed to a pile where the King is already the bottom of the pile and I can build off it.
    Yeah, there's definitely room for improvement in the way we choose piles when there's multiple destinations for a card. Yours is a good idea.


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