bug report

AnonymousAnonymous GUESTS
edited September 2013 in Bug Reports
Game: freecell
Game #: 1720083681
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:20.0; WUID=06b08172552bc0b93596c848ec352d30; WTB=3644) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0

Please describe the problem in detail:

The problem is in the streak statistic. I had a current streak of 31 wins, then lost a game with the "no more legal moves" message. The screen that then pops has the "play same game" box default checked and I said OK to play the same game again. I won the second time but the current streak of 1 loss stayed the same. When I close the game and re-open it, and look at the statistics again, the current streak is still 1 loss so, in effect, the game stats are ignoring my last win. It is the first time I've ever noticed it, so I have to think it has to do with the condition of the default to playing the same game again since I seldom see that message, and when I have seen it, haven't checked the stats afterward. Frustrating, since every game counts since I started playing seriously (this is the best game of solitaire I've ever run across - addicting)! Thanks.


    The problem is in the streak statistic. I had a current streak of 31 wins, then lost a game with the "no more legal moves" message. The screen that then pops has the "play same game" box default checked and I said OK to play the same game again. I won the second time but the current streak of 1 loss stayed the same. When I close the game and re-open it, and look at the statistics again, the current streak is still 1 loss so, in effect, the game stats are ignoring my last win. It is the first time I've ever noticed it, so I have to think it has to do with the condition of the default to playing the same game again since I seldom see that message, and when I have seen it, haven't checked the stats afterward. Frustrating, since every game counts since I started playing seriously (this is the best game of solitaire I've ever run across - addicting)! Thanks.

    I'm confused—it sounds like you are describing something other than Green Felt. We don't have a stats page that reports your "streaks" and losses (yet!) and we don't have a "no more legal moves" message. Are you talking about a different Freecell game?

  • David, thanks for your prompt response. If I could send you a screen cap, you'd see what I mean. I'm also confused, though, since FreeCell as a solitaire game seems unique to a Windows op system installation, so maybe my confusion stems from assuming that there is only one. RH
  • David, never mind. After doing some researching, I found that I'm talking the Windows FreeCell while you're talking the Green Felt FreeCell - two similar but distinct games. My confusion trumps your confusion! Thanks anyway.

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